So today, someone sent me mail about this...
Apparently, someone took one of my old fan-art pieces...and decided to flip it and mutilize it a bit to use it on a book cover...hmm...
I find it a bit amusing how they did it actually. Look at his sexy body with that red and black suit. haha
Now, this piece is only original art but the character is not copyrighted by me, so probably not much I can/should do anyway. Just thought it was a bit funny.
Looks like he/she decided to photoshop the other 2 characters in too...all have a different style.....
Heres a screenshot of the site. Wow this book is like 15 EUROS, I almost want to buy one.
The piece of Cloud from FFAC I did 2 years ago.
Gang Members as Models
3 days ago
lol.. thats pretty damn funny.
i wonder what the book is about... if only i knew the language, id totally get it o_O
loll.. your art is getting popular Peter! first this, and then ur collab dragon painting being super heavily referenced by some other 'artist'~~
What the..?? Are they serious wow..
oh BTW, that other artist on DA Jinny is referring to is Qinni (apparently a his/her new account) a blatant rip of your Dragon painting. Not sure if you already know about it.
hhhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhh....nice...I wouldn't sweat if a very inspired fan or kid copied or used your art in some way. Why stress? Not worth your health. Be happy someone admires your work. However, running your image through a chop-shop and selling it is just wrong.
Ew. I've had a painting of mine butchered before but this is pretty nuts.
I've seen stuff like that happen to Linda Bergvist and Hyung-Tae Kim's work, badly photoshopped rips sold in bookstores in Shanghai.
wow that is kinda funy D:
Lisa: lol yea looks like the book is some kinda sci-fi book? hmmmm too expensive!!
jinny: haha actually i think there are lots of cases like this out there, probably happens to everyone's art. its just a matter of whether we can find it or not o_O
yan: lol..yea jinny sent it to me...but its not so bad since its not published work and he is just learning from it.
cyp: yea i don't really mind when ppl reference a lot..but just taking it and slapping onto something to sell is...a bit much.
axl99: oh man..linda and htk's work ripped eh..i wouldn't be surprised...dang..i mean they could've done a slightly better job at photoshopping this.. haha
lettie: lol
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