Today is a day to think about what has happened this year and what we've learned and experienced from 2009.
2009 was an awesome year full of great people, memories, and laughters. Lots of travelling happened this year and it looks like that'll be coming back in 2010. I've learned a lot this year.
One of the most memorable moments must have been the passing of my grandmother. I've known her for so many years and it was tough for me and everyone else to see her leave us. This really made me re-evaluate life in general. You just never know, when things in life might change, for better or worse. Appreciate these moments that you live for, and love them even more. Call those friends you haven't talked to for weeks, months, years. Keep in touch.
2010 is looking to be an exciting one. It will take a lot of hard work and energy to continue the road to my dreams and the ultimate goal - complete happiness.
Thank you everyone for all the support and sharing a bit of you. I'm looking forward to many more great moments in 2010. Thanks for reading and commenting here on the blog. I'm excited to share new work in 2010 as well as seeing new ones from you.
Take care everyone and have a Happy New Year!
PS. JUMP more on New Years Eve! :)
Happy New Year! from Happy Garaje on Vimeo.